Something that does not involve your handbag, the colour of your Bra, Knickers or other frivolous aspects of your facebook life! Something that is not hush hush to keep men wondering for days.
Because Cancer is NOT a game and Cancer is most certainly not a secret!
So get over yourselves people and instead of having a giggle about cancer do something that actually raises awareness! You know like making a simple facebook status update about why cancer matters. Use your imagination and write something about why it matters to you and why you want to raise awareness. And if you can't think of anything original to say just share this fantastic post by Playful Genie:
Some time ago I made this wire art bra. It is a tribute to two brave women who are very dear to me. For my aunt Indu (Chachi) who sadly lost her fight and for my lovely friend Callie whose determination & strength in sticking two fingers to breast cancer should be an inspiration to us all!
I hope it raised some awareness about cancer and I will carry on sharing this to raise awareness instead of asking people to guess what I do with my handbag!
Because Cancer is NOT a game and Cancer is most certainly not a secret!
So get over yourselves people and instead of having a giggle about cancer do something that actually raises awareness! You know like making a simple facebook status update about why cancer matters. Use your imagination and write something about why it matters to you and why you want to raise awareness. And if you can't think of anything original to say just share this fantastic post by Playful Genie:
Breast Cancer : Facebook Slactivisim or Awareness?.
As far as I am concerned every month is cancer awareness month, every day is cancer awareness day. Because people who get this deadly disease don't have the time to wait for an awareness month to come around for support, they need it now! And each one of us can do it by thinking for ourselves and doing something about it that keeps NO ONE guessing.
I hope it raised some awareness about cancer and I will carry on sharing this to raise awareness instead of asking people to guess what I do with my handbag!
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