23 December 2012
We lost Bullet in September 2012 and it just did not feel right with only one dog in the house. Millie was depressed too and going downhill fast! She had never been the only dog in the house and was not coping well. Christmas would just not be the same without dogs creating chaos shredding wrapping paper all over the place and fighting over toys :-)
So on 23 December off we went to The Animal Helpline Dog Rescue in Wansford near Stamford to meet a Husky-GSD puppy. That wasn't to be as Millie was not very impressed with the little one we introduced to her. So this came back with us instead! His name on the rescue books was "Frankfurt" and he came with NO history at all (like a lot of other rescue dogs.)
He came into the house and refused to budge from the hall. Frightened, very thin and with a troubled frown on his face. That was exactly 6 months ago. |
January - February 2013
We named him Taj after the Taj Mahal because even in his skinny, scared state we could see how gorgeous he was going to be. These pictures are of Taj's first few days with us. He shifted from the hall to the sofa in the living room, adopted that corner and would just lie there looking at us. Slowly moved to the dog bed on the floor but that worried frown was always there. Christmas came and while Millie knows the drill when lots of brightly wrapped packages appear this one didn't have a clue! We unwrapped the toys for him in the hope that would get him excited. That's when we realised that this beautiful boy had no idea what to do with these toys! Its almost as if he had never had toys before! He is about 3 years old! And scared of toys? Did this dog actually have a childhood? Does he know what being a puppy is? And is English even his first language? We don't know... What we do know is that he is very eager to please us and Millie, he is very affectionate and he can be a sod when he sees other dogs. |
6 months later...
He figured out how to have fun outdoors pretty quick as long as a stick was involved. But when he got back home those toys were still a mystery!
It took a couple of months but Taj and his toys cannot be separated now! Whether its the football he found in the garden and proceeded to destroy or Bullet's old Kong toy (again He found it in the garden). He plays with them outdoors and indoors and carries toys around when in the mood. And he invents new toys all the time! My slippers have been found downstairs, socks from the washing basket have had a few walkies around the house and loo roll ends are fun! |
22nd June 2013
Pictured at exactly the same place in the hall where the first photo above was taken and roughly the same time too! Exactly 6 months. And we have a bundle of joy... happy, naughty, loyal and fun just like all dogs should be! Just look at those eyes. They are not scared any more! They are full of mischief! |
We love our Mr Taj to bits, he has done wonders for Millie and the family is complete again. I sometimes think Bullet's ghost has found a home too, in Taj!
If you want to give a dog a forever home all I can urge you to do is contact a local Dog Home or Animal Shelter and RESCUE, ADOPT & RE-HOME a Dog. They have so much love to give and some of them have been through hell. Help them!
There are lots of Animal Rescues in the UK. These are just three I would like to mention, but there are many many more. And its not just dogs, there are cats, rabbits, horses, all kinds of creatures looking for their forever home. Please Help them if you can!
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