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Showing posts from December, 2014

I don't earn enough... #EUVAT will not affect me. REALLY?

If small sole traders think the new EU Vat rules don't affect them, think again! Just touching on this briefly. Links below to more details. Do you sell any kind of digital downloads like jewellery making tutorials in pdf format, or your crochet / knitting patterns, or a downloadable "how to" video about sewing?  And do you sell maybe one or two of these to someone in the EU? Then you ARE affected! I hear you say "But I don't make the UK Vat threshold! I don't even make the tax threshold" It DOES NOT matter! After 1st January 2015 if you sell digital products & services to EU customers then you have to pay Vat as applicable in the country your customer resides. Its as simple as that! It does not matter if you sell Only £5.00 worth of your downloadable bracelet design tutorial to jewellery hobbyist Stefanie in Holland. By virtue of the fact that you sold an e-book to someone living in Holland you have to pay the applicable Dutch VAT on...