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Showing posts from May, 2009

Labradorite! Lots of it!

Its been a while since I posted here.... been a busy few months with motorhome enquiries picking up. But even more important - the weather has improved and I am spending more and more time in our little workshop having fun with Rocks. At the moment the two hot favourites are Flin t and Labradorite. I'll talk about the Flint later..... Labradorite - one word - WOW! This is the most beautiful Semi Precious stone I have ever seen! I love Rose Quartz and Carnelian but Labradorite is a whole different world. I could spend hours and hours just looking at it from different angles to try and find the flashes (known as Labradorescence) of Blue, Gold and Green that show up when the stone is held at a certain angle and the light is right. In fact I have spent so much time admiring the stone that I have not made any jewellery from it yet! Dave has made some beautiful Labradorite Cabochons: And he wrapped a couple of them in Sterling Silver Wire and made these beautiful Pendants. I th...